Kimberlee Archie, MS Ed.
Managing Partner
Kimberlee was born on the land of the Cowlitz people of Oregon and raised on the traditional lands of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish Nation. Her grandparents migrated from southern states for economic opportunity and more liberal perspectives on racism. And throughout her childhood, Kimberlee had friends from multicultural backgrounds such as Filipino, Vietnamese, Chinese, Samoan, Indian, Mexican, Black and white. Growing up in the liberalism of Seattle, Kimberlee thought she lived in a place where the only thing that made her different was being poor and raised in a single parent household.
It was during college and also during her early professional years that Kimberlee learned of the racism that was just under the surface of white liberalism. In the late 90s and early 2000s Kimberlee finally saw why she lived in multiple rentals, but the same zip code from before Kindergarten through high school graduation. Her awareness was heightened about the carceral system, loan denial, public school busing, Affirmative Action, and how it all was connected to systems working against her, her family members, and her neighbors. She attended a training by The People's Institute for Survival and Beyond, which changed her life forever.
Kimberlee leverages her education as a Social Worker and her Master of Science in Education to facilitate knowledge transfer, skill-building, and racial equity analysis capacity with individuals and organizations to develop more practitioners of racial equity and racial justice.